Crunchy Bridge for Analytics now has support for Iceberg and other new features. Learn more in our Crunchy Bridge for Analytics announcement.

AspirEDU | A Crunchy Case Study

AspirEDU Relies on Crunchy Bridge Postgres Expertise

AspirEDU is a data analytics company providing schools with information to promote student success and student retention. It retrieves data daily from clients' learning management systems like Canvas, Schoology and Moodle, stores that data, and runs that data through algorithms that identify struggling students. They aim to collect multiple factors to get a comprehensive view of a student's current status, allowing academic advisors and administrators to be proactive in assisting the students. AspirEDU retrieves data via API and hosts that data for its clients throughout -- and even after -- the academic year. The Postgres data store is an integral part of the business and therefore AspirEDU must be extremely careful with its database choices.

AspirEDU wanted to migrate their database to a new provider to gain more flexibility as they continue to scale. They knew that having a database managed separately could mean additional help with their database needs, and hoped that, with the right new vendor, they could make some database improvements.

AspirEDU knew they wanted to move to a hosted solution and, because the engineering team is small, they felt a full platform as a service was the best choice. They needed a bit of extra help with managing the database, so they started talking to Crunchy Data about Crunchy Bridge and began initial research and testing.

"When I opened a few tickets in the beginning and saw the support in action, I knew Crunchy Bridge was going to work for us."
Tim SchillingSoftware Engineer, AspirEDU

Keeping the Focus on Customer Service

AspirEDU is committed to delivering outstanding customer service. In order to satisfy client needs, the team emphasizes a deep understanding of Learning Management Systems and effective data management. Switching to Crunchy Bridge has resulted in an exceptionally positive and hassle-free experience.

"We have never worried about outages or things not working. Crunchy Bridge delivers what they say they offer. We know we can rely on them."
Tim SchillingSoftware Engineer, AspirEDU

When AspirEDU migrated to Crunchy Bridge, they were able to do the first migration on a call, stepping through things carefully. By the time the last database they migrated, the entire thing was scripted and automated.

All Support Tickets are Reviewed by Experts

When we asked Tim about how things had been going after their migration, he could not say enough good things about the Crunchy Bridge support team. Tim’s engineering team is relatively small, so he expressed that having extra hands is really helpful to how they run their business. Tim’s been getting help with PgBouncer, Postgres versions, md5 to SCRAM, and automated password rotations. “The support team has always been curious about our architecture from the beginning. They’ve been really receptive to understanding how we got to where we are, which helps us make really solid future plans,” said Tim.

AspirEDU also appreciates that all of the hands-on support is provided by technical experts.

"I know that if I open a ticket, a real person is going to read it and give me feedback. Other platforms just refer you to the documentation or pass you off until you’re escalated. It is a lot nicer if someone is looking at your question and giving you a tailor made answer. The support is just really good."
Tim SchillingSoftware Engineer, AspirEDU