Crunchy Bridge for Analytics now has support for Iceberg and other new features. Learn more in our Crunchy Bridge for Analytics announcement.

PostgreSQL: An Enterprise Database

A relational database management system with proven architecture and more than 30 years of active development.

Crunchy Data advances the PostgreSQL technology ecosystem to provide the most powerful 100% open source enterprise database management system.

PostgreSQL announced as the Database Management System of the year.

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What do you get from Crunchy Data's Certified PostgreSQL?

Crunchy Data was proud to announce that its trusted open source PostgreSQL distribution, Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL, achieved certification through the Common Criteria Certification Scheme at Common Criteria Evaluation Assurance Level (EAL) 2+, an international standard (ISO/IEC 15408) for computer security certification.

The most stringent security accreditations
Capabilities validated by Common Criteria Certification
  • Enhanced audit logging
  • Identification and authentication notably supports SSL, LDAP, GSSAPI
  • Role based access control (RBAC)
  • Protection of the security functionality
Additional security capabilities
  • Row-level security (RLS)
  • Certificate-based authentication (PKI), GSSAPI, LDAP
  • Encryption of data at rest: pgcrypto, OpenSSL is FIPS 140-2 compliant, OS /Hardware encryption solutions
Extensibility from native hooks
  • Enhanced audit logging utility
  • PostgreSQL STIG compliance
  • pgAudit can be configured for low level/statement level logging

High availability

Crunchy High Availability PostgreSQL can minimize downtime and meet very high uptime requirements.

Supports secure, enterprise-grade deployments in all major public clouds, on-premise infrastructure and hybrid setups

Supports Native Replication that can be leveraged to provide PostgreSQL Master and Standby/Replica configurations

Both Synchronous and Asynchronous replication configuration options to Multiple Read Only Replica Databases

Backup / Restore / Disaster recovery

Our products come with pgBackRest included. It provides high performance, enterprise capabilities for physical backups of your database(s).

  • Full, incremental and differential backups to reduce data loss
  • Streaming compression, delta restore, checksums, and encrypted backups.
  • Parallel backup and restore.
  • Backup rotation and archive expiration.
Metric overview dashboard

Database metrics collection & monitoring

Crunchy Data's cloud-native solutions are preconfigured to deploy Prometheus and Grafana based Metrics Collection and Monitoring Solutions with pgMonitor. Track the metrics that matter for making resource and intervention decisions, including:

Administration tools

Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL includes support for pgAdmin4 – a leading PostgreSQL administration utility that provides:

  • Powerful query tool with color syntax highlighting
  • Fast data grid for display and entry of data
  • Graphical query plan display
  • Grant wizard for rapid updates to ACLs
  • Procedural language debugger that supports PL/pgSQL
  • Create, view, and edit all common PostgreSQL objects and routine maintenance
Still from video of Paul Ramsey giving PostGIS Day 2019 Presentation

Geospatial data types

Bring secure, robust mapping and geospatial awareness functionality to your applications

Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL comes with the PostGIS geospatial database extender. PostGIS is the foundation for other spatial extensions, such as the pgRouting library that provides geospatial routing functionality and the pgPointCloud library for LIDAR data. PostGIS offers many features rarely found in other competing spatial databases.

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