Crunchy Bridge for Analytics now has support for Iceberg and other new features. Learn more in our Crunchy Bridge for Analytics announcement.

Enhanced PostgreSQL Designed to Support to Multi-Level Security Environments

Crunchy MLS PostgreSQL extends PostgreSQL with advanced security capabilities to support the most advanced data access control requirements.

Advanced PostgreSQL security support

Crunchy MLS PostgreSQL delivers operating system provided access controls via PostgreSQL row-level security in order to support label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on operating system provided security policy, thereby providing explicit control over what data users can read.

Multi-level security environments support

MLS database environments require users with different levels of access and "need-to-know" to review and process information, while preventing users from obtaining access to information for which they lack authorization. Crunchy MLS PostgreSQL is designed to enforce security policies based on US Government security classifications while allowing the US Government to maintain data at multiple security levels within a single database.

Access controls down to a single row

Imagine an ecosystem where an application uses labels to connect to a PostgreSQL database through a constrained network interface. Using role-based access control, Crunchy MLS for PostgreSQL enforces the security level access for the connecting user and ensures the user will only access the rows defined in their security policy.

Common Criteria Certified open source

Crunchy MLS for PostgreSQL uses 100% open source Crunchy Certified PostgreSQL, which is Common Criteria EAL 2+ certified, to reduce your infrastructure costs, eliminate redundant infrastructure and proprietary software licenses, and enhance your data security.

Advanced integration with trusted Red Hat Enterprise SELinux

To ensure Crunchy MLS for PostgreSQL provides the most advanced security, Crunchy MLS for PostgreSQL supports advanced integration with trusted operating systems such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux SELinux, to support label-based mandatory access control for your enterprise defined security policies.

Technical support from PostgreSQL experts

Crunchy Data provides Crunchy PostgreSQL for Cloud Foundry for all commercial support subscription customers, which includes access to certified software packages, updates, bug fixes, and security patches, along with 24x7x365 technical support from PostgreSQL experts.

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