Posts about Postgres 17

  • 5 min read

    Convert JSON into Columns and Rows with JSON_TABLE

    Paul Ramsey

    JSON_TABLE, new in Postgres 17

    If you missed some of the headlines and release notes, Postgres 17 added another huge JSON feature to its growing repository of strong JSON support with the JSON_TABLE feature. JSON_TABLE lets you query JSON and display and query data like it is native relational SQL. So you can easily take JSON data feeds and work with it like you would any other Postgres data in your database.

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  • 3 min read

    Enhanced Postgres Release Notes

    Greg Sabino Mullane

    There is something new you may not have seen in the release notes for Postgres 17. No, not a new feature - I mean inside the actual release notes themselves! The Postgres project uses the git program to track commits to the project, and now each item in the release notes has a link to the actual commit (or multiple commits) that enabled it.

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