Not too long ago I wrote a blog post about how to deploy TLS for Postgres on Kubernetes in attempt to provide a helpful guide from bringing your own TLS/PKI setup to Postgres clusters on Kubernetes. In part, I also wanted a personal reference for how to do it!
Whether you are starting a new development project, launching an application modernization effort, or engaging in digital transformation, chances are you are evaluating Kubernetes. If you selected Kubernetes, chances are you will ultimately need a database.
With this release, we included features to streamline management of the Operator, added security features, and extra system metrics to enhance your high availability Kubernetes Postgres cluster. Let's take a look at what's new in the Postgres Operator 4.6!
How can you apply GitOps principles to running PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with Helm?
Recently I ran across grand sweeping statements that suggest containers are not ready for prime time as a vehicle for deploying your databases. The definition of "futile" is something like "serving no useful purpose; completely ineffective". See why I say this below, but in short, you probably are already, for all intents and purposes, running your database in a "container". Therefore, your resistance is futile.
Learn how to use Kubernetes taints, pod tolerations, and node affinity for designing and deploying production PostgreSQL topologies.
Deploy PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes with GitOps and the Postgres Operator!
Learn how to deploy PgBouncer with TLS connections in Kubernetes using the Postgres Operator!
Secure communication for your Postgres clusters in Kubernetes by deploying them with TLS. Learn about the different TLS modes that PostgreSQL offers!
Learn how to deploy an out-of-the-box multi-master PostgreSQL solution to federate your data on Kubernetes with the Postgres Operator.
Set up turnkey monitoring for PostgreSQL clusters running on Kubernetes using the Postgres Operator!
I’ll guide you through the steps for installing and using the PostgreSQL Operator using the pgo-deployer. The pgo-deployer is included in the PostgreSQL Operator, and is presented in a container. In this guide, I’ll be using OpenShift 4.4.3 but any version on 3.11 or greater will work.
Deploy PostgreSQL with a high-availability architecture in multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Deploy pgAdmin 4 with PostgreSQL on Kubernetes with a single command.
How to prepare your Windows computer to talk to the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator for Kubernetes.
Schedule regular PostgreSQL backups and set storage retention with Kubernetes and pgBackRest and the PostgreSQL Operator
Deploy a high-availability PostgreSQL cluster on Kubernetes by example and learn how it works.
Learn how to monitor an enterprise PostgreSQL database-as-a-service cluster in Kubernetes using the PostgreSQL Operator and pgMonitor.
Learn how to create PostgreSQL clusters using the Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) provided by the PostgreSQL Operator.
Learn how to deploy PostgreSQL clusters on Kubernetes with Rook Ceph Storage powered by the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator