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Paul Ramsey
Paul Ramsey
With the release of PostGIS 3.0, queries that ORDER BY
geometry columns will return rows using a Hilbert curve ordering, and do so about twice as fast.
The history of "ordering by geometry" in PostGIS is mostly pretty bad. Up until version 2.4 (2017), if you did ORDER BY
Paul Ramsey
Paul Ramsey
With PostGIS 3.0, it is now possible to generate GeoJSON features directly without any intermediate code, using the new ST_AsGeoJSON(record)
The GeoJSON format is a common transport format, between servers and web clients, and even between components of processing chains. Being able to create useful GeoJSON is important for integrating different parts in a modern geoprocessing application.
PostGIS has had an ST_AsGeoJSON(geometry)
Paul Ramsey
Paul Ramsey
One of the most popular features of PostGIS 2.5 was the introduction of the "vector tile" output format, via the ST_AsMVT() function.
Vector tiles are a transport format for efficiently sending map data from a server to a client for rendering. The vector tile specification
Paul Ramsey
Paul Ramsey
New features and better performance get a lot of attention, but one of the relatively unsung improvements in PostGIS over the past ten years has been inclusion in standard software repositories, making installation of this fairly complex extension a "one click" affair.
Once you've got PostgreSQL/PostGIS installed though, how are upgrades handled? The key is having the right versions in place, at the right time, for the right scenario and knowing a little bit about how PostGIS works.
Jonathan S. Katz
Jonathan S. Katz
Many applications these days want us to know how close we are to things:
and countless more examples.
Another way of asking these questions is to say “who are my nearest neighbors to me?” This maps to a classic algorithmic problem: efficiently finding the K-nearest neighbors
Joe Conway
Joe Conway
This is the third and final post of the series intended to introduce PostgreSQL users to PL/R, a loadable procedural language that enables a user to write user-defined SQL functions in the R programming language. The information below provides sample use of R Functions against the NDVI dataset.
As introduced in the previous posts, the combination of PostgreSQL and R provides users with the ability to leverage the power and efficiency of PostgreSQL and the rich analytic functionality of R. When further combined with PostGIS, the geospatial extender for PostgreSQL, users can perform powerful spatial analytics within the PostgreSQL database. It is our hope that these posts will cause those building analytic applications to give PostgreSQL a second look.
Joe Conway
Joe Conway
This is the second in a series of posts intended to introduce PostgreSQL users to PL/R, a loadable procedural language that enables a user to write user-defined SQL functions in the R programming language. This post builds on the example introduced in the initial post by demonstrating the steps associated with preprocessing the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
Joe Conway
Joe Conway
This is the first in a series of posts intended to introduce PostgreSQL users to PL/R, a loadable procedural language that enables a user to write user-defined SQL functions in the R programming language. When further combined with PostGIS, the geospatial extender for PostgreSQL, users can perform powerful spatial analytics within the PostgreSQL database. This initial post introduces PL/R and R, provides set up instructions for following the Spatial Analytics example to be used in this series of posts, and provides introductory instruction on Geocoding with PostGIS, R and PL/R.
While PostgreSQL is known for and widely popular as a transactional database due to its SQL compliance, reliability, data integrity and ease of use, it is less commonly associated with analytic applications.
The combination of PostgreSQL and R provide users with the ability to leverage the power and efficiency of PostgreSQL and the rich analytic functionality of R. When further combined with PostGIS, the geospatial extender for PostgreSQL, users can perform powerful spatial analytics within the PostgreSQL database.
This series of blog posts will provide users with information about: